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Boost Your Health and Energy Levels

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO therapy, pressure chamber therapy) is a treatment method in which pure oxygen is inhaled under an increased (hyperbaric) ambient pressure.
This serves to increase oxygen absorption into the blood above normal levels. This results in a significantly better oxygen supply even to tissues with poor blood circulation.
Under normal conditions, the red blood pigment (hemoglobin) in the red blood cells (erythrocytes) is already over 98 percent saturated with oxygen, so that an increase is hardly possible with the oxygen supply from normal breathing air. During hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the external pressure is increased to 1.3 to 3 times normal pressure using a pressure chamber. As a result, more oxygen is physically dissolved in the liquid components of the blood. The excess oxygen should also reach the blood plasma and the lymphatic system and thereby trigger the observed positive effects such as self-healing, anti-aging and increased performance.


The benefits of X4Oxygen

X4Oxygen are pressure chambers for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. These are particularly characterized by the high quality of the materials chosen and the outstanding workmanship. In addition, when using X4Oxygen, a particularly high oxygen content of 65% can be provided, which represents a more than twofold increase in oxygen content compared to previous pressure chambers! X4Oxygen exceeds the highest quality standards and, thanks to its predominantly German inventory and a two-year warranty, offers the opportunity to generally publish HBOT applications and to enable many people to enjoy the application, which has been tried and tested for decades, and thereby benefit from the effects that occur to benefit. HBOT is a huge advance thanks to scientific research. X4Oxygen could bring enormous benefits to human well-being and physical health.

Sport & Recovery

Possible benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with X4Oxygen for sports & recovery:

  • Improves muscle recovery and can reduce stretch injuries
  • Increases mental concentration
  • Increases serotonin levels
  • Increases energy levels
  • Faster healing

Wellness, Beauty & Anti-Aging

Possible benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with X4Oxygen in the area of ​​wellness, beauty & anti-aging:


  • Promotes the proliferation and mobilization of stem cells
  • Improves regeneration of tissue and blood vessels
  • Reduces the risk of infection
  • promotes general recovery
  • Supports the immune system


  • Can make wrinkles disappear or reduce and maintains the elasticity of the skin
  • Dark circles under the eyes can disappear
  • Feel and look younger

Anti Aging

  • Study with 60 subjects from the University of Israel: After 3 months of treatment, telomeres lengthen by 20%


Possible benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with X4Oxygen for sports & recovery::

  • Improves muscle recovery and can reduce stretch injuries
  • Increases mental concentration
  • Increases serotonin levels
  • Increases energy levels
  • Faster healing

Hyperbaric oxygen treatments with X4Oxygen are particularly beneficial for:

  • Covid & Long-Term Covid
  • Brain damage such as Parkinson’s and Alzeimer’s disease
  • Study results indicate a significant positive effect in the treatment of Long Covid after just 10 sessions

A list of studies by the Association of German Pressure Chamber Centers e.V. also shows the effective treatment options for the following diseases:

  • Adjuvant use in chronic wounds / diabetic foot syndrome (DFS)
  • In aseptic bone necrosis and bone marrow edema syndrome
  • In the case of long-term effects of radiation
  • In chronic Lyme disease
  • In retinitis pigmentosa
  • For hearing impairments


The treatment costs for hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Germany are around €250. With X4Oxygen, costs for ongoing treatments can be minimized. We would be happy to put together a cost example for you.

X4Oxygen is therefore also ideal for sustainable home treatment. This offers the following advantages:

  • Flexible use after training to increase performance, regeneration and faster recovery
  • Also ideal for supporting treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzeimer’s disease, Covid and long-term Covid
  • Daily applications
  • Single-user chamber
  • Best privacy